Cherry Chai's ♥

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

It was raining really heavily this morning and thank God that the rain affected my mood A LOTS.
I cried again last night before I slept because I was recalling the old memories.
I remembered that I used to spend my weekdays at my nanny's place and when it rained,
I played with myself like,covered my ears and listened to the raindrops.
That's why I cried again this morning.
I moved back to my own house when I got into kindergarten yet I paid visits often.
I remembered when I was in primary 3,
I spend my weekends sometimes at my nanny's place.
Po Po had a lots of diseases like diabetes,high blood pressure and etc so she had to listen to the doctor's advice that she couldn't eat the oily and unhealthy food.
Though,she cooked what I liked,salted-fish,especially.
I was not worrying at all and instead,I thought I was such a heroine because I lighted her day a little bit that she got to eat what she liked.
I just realised that I was such an idiot.
Every single time I visited,she would be like,'Who are you?' due to the blur-sights and half-deaf problem and I had to shout really loud beside her so that she got every single word I said.
& she repeated and repeated the same questions everytime I visited.
e.g.,'Are you graduated now?' or 'What grade you're in now?' or 'When are you leaving and when will you be coming back again?'
Proud of myself that,I answered her questions patiently.
What made me cried was,
when I thought that the next time when I go back to granny's place and pass by the house,
I will not see the old man lying on the chair at the balcony and also,the old woman lying on a chair in the living room with the television playing but nobody's watching.
What I will see is,the locked door.
The empty house;
The house with no lights and fans switch on;
The lonely swing,and so on.
Dear gong gong and po po,
did you both meet up now?
As if you were,
please do not argue,
please promise to love each other,
& please,be happy.
I will spend my whole life time to miss you both because you were the best,bettest,ever!
I love you both,I truly do.

I seek for the wind,
to plead him to bring me back to the old times,
to set all the burdens off of me,
to keep all my love ones around just like how it happened.
Though I was fail even just to seek for the wind.



Life quote no.1: For every minute you're mad,you lose sixty seconds of happiness.

Life quote no.2: Everyone wants happiness,no one wants the pain; you can't get the rainbow without a lil rain :)

Love quote,the one and only: Love when you're ready,not when you're lonely

Bio to reach my profile,tag to talk to me,past to reach my past? and links to approach my chicks :)

Hope you enjoy your reading :) & do come back.